We're Back!
Hi everyone...and let me start by telling you that I have missed sharing my ruminations and am glad to be back!
When last we “spoke,” Kim and I were just beginning to seek those calmer waters we alluded to. At the time, I looked forward to sharing the future for KATZ and KATZ Farm as things evolved, and although it took a bit longer to “get back to you” than we had anticipated, we are now ready to bust some news!
We have found the perfect “partners” to keep our legacy moving forward. New “friends” Jeff and Patrick Martin, a father and son from a 5th generation farming family, planted 3500 trees in San Martin, CA at the southern tip of the Santa Clara Valley in 2005, and produce their Frantoio Grove certified organic and award-winning Extra Virgin Olive Oil that we have been fans of for quite some time.
So, without further ado...Kim and I are thrilled to announce that Patrick and Jeff will now be offering all our KATZ Vinegars and Extra Virgin Olive Oils together with their EVOO plus other goodies...and all can still be found at www.katzfarm.com

This joint venture came together serendipitously, which quite frankly is the best way for it to have happened. I have known Jeff for a while now and had been an admirer of his farming practices and oil production. So, when Jeff mentioned one day that they might be interested in bringing on the KATZ products so that they could join forces with both of our offerings, a bell went off and I knew they were the right fit and it all began to fall into place after that fortuitous get-together.
So, for now, we are offering all of our barrel-aged vinegars and with the olive harvest not far off, KATZ December’s Oil, olio nuovo, will indeed be here soon, YAY! For many of the other products, with time we all hope to see honey, spices and other KATZ offerings reappear...we will keep you posted.
(A word to those of you who may wonder if our preserves will be in the picture at some point. As Patrick likes to impart, KATZ Preserves will be “sailing out to sea along with the Katzs” and so we will all have to say our goodbyes and enjoy those shared taste memories after 30+ years together.)
As this transition unfolds, I will enthusiastically to be engaged with the Martin family, and I am excited to continue my focus on the ongoing production of our KATZ Vinegars and extra virgin olive oils. I also will continue to share some of my thoughts, develop recipes, and in general be a foodie pest whenever needed!
I close with a quote from Wendell Berry, farmer, philosopher and so much more, whose words have helped shape my life for nearly 50 years:
We learn from our gardens to deal with the most urgent question of the time: How much is enough?
Thank you all for joining us on this ongoing journey and we look forward, together with Jeff and Patrick, to discover much more with all of you along the way.
We will “talk” again soon...Albert and Kim Katz
A brief addendum from the Martins:
We have enjoyed forming a bond with Albert, Kim, and crew, sharing the joys of regenerative agriculture, and puzzling through the new frontiers we enter as farmers in a changing climate
As we worked on other small projects and chewed the fat while figuring out our own questions, we came to realize that we had much to offer each other.
KATZ olive oil and vinegars have inspired us and shown what California producers can do when committed to quality. We are excited to be working with them and helping them carry on with their commitment to quality.